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Adopt-a-School Program Tools

Adopt-a-School Program Tools

Build a Lasting Relationship with Your Local School The Scouting America Adopt-a-School program is an exciting and comprehensive undertaking that will connect Scout units with their associated schools. Participating Scouts then work, within clearly defined guidelines,...

School Relationship Idea: Tend to the Flag

School Relationship Idea: Tend to the Flag

Can't get into your local school to promote your Scout unit?  Building a positive relationship with the principal or teachers can go a long way to giving you more school access. Here's one idea that can help: Steps: Ask the Principal if you can use the flag pole after...

Wildfire FAQs

Wildfire FAQs

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about protocols, safety and awareness concerning summer camp and wildfires. 2024-07-15 Status: currently there are NO fires threatening our summer camp program.The council camping team is continually monitoring wildfires...

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