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District MB Coordinator Resources

One of the responsibilities of the council advancement committee is to “see to an effective merit badge program administered at either council or district level that functions according to national procedures and recruits, approves, trains, and makes known sufficient counselors to meet the needs of the council” (GTA,, #11).

The Council uses ScoutCommunity.com to help ensure that counselors are registered, have completed training, and possess the skills/education necessary to mentor for a given merit badge. This is done by allowing the counselor to setup a profile, request the badges they wish to mentor and supply their qualifications.  ScoutCommunity.com then allows a council/district processor to review and approve each merit badge electronically.

Recent training that demonstrates how:

  • A merit badge counselor creates their profile and requests to mentor for merit badges
  • Unit leadership search and run report for counselors
  • A Council/District Coordinator processes approvals for merit badges

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Key Contacts

Shane Olvera – (360) 607-7620
Council ScoutCommunity.com Coordinator

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