Pacific Trail DistricT
School Districts: Banks, Beaverton, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro & Vernonia
District Chair
Jefferey Dalin
District Commissioner
Mike Volz
2023 Pacific Trail Roundtable Schedule
Month | Cub Scout Breakout Topic | Scouts BSA Breakout Topic | Date |
January | Blue and Gold Banquets | Vision 2023 | January 12th |
February | Summer Camps: Tips and Tricks | Camporee Expectiations and Plans | February 9th |
March | Spring Recruitment Kickoff | Youth Member Retention | March 9th |
April | Changes in the Guide to Safe Scouting | Youth Leadership: Why? And How Should it Work? | April 13th |
May | Summer Activities: Camps, Sports, and Excursions! | Camporee Feedback | May 11th |
June | Service Projects | Summer Activities | June 8th |
July | No Roundtable | ||
August | Fall Recruitment Kickoff | Patrols and the Patrol Method | August 10th |
September | Welcoming New Families Into Your Pack | Youth Recruitment and Webelos Woods | September 14th |
October | The Webelos-to-Scout Transition: A Roadmap | Online Resources and Tools | October 12th |
November | Outdoor Ethics for Cub Scouts | Motivating Scouts to Challenge Themselves | November 9th |
December | The Methods and Ideals of Cub Scouting | ILST: Best Practices | December 14th |