May 13, 2021 | Adult Leader Training, Cub Scouts, Onboarding, Scouts BSA, Webinars
We as consumers expect a great experience with the brands, organizations and groups we want to connect with. Whether it’s using an iPhone, posting on Facebook or calling an Uber, it the expereince has to be good, or we’re unlikely to use the service again....
Apr 14, 2021 | Cub Scouts, Webinars
Join us for a 45 minute training on Cub Scout Recruitment and Meeting best practices How-to topics we cover include: Continued Zoom meetings & new tools for success & engagement New guidelines for in-person meetings Get ready for Summer Camp!...
Mar 10, 2021 | Cub Scouts
See how Pack’s 254 and 383 each ran incredible (but unique) Virtual Pinewood Derbies! Pack 254’s Assistant Cubmaster Laura Nelson and Pack 383’s Ray Collette gives us their tips and tricks and answer all of your questions! Watch the Webinar...
Mar 25, 2021 | Advancement, Cub Scouts, Webinars
Cub Scout Pack 351 Cubmaster, Deb Hilterbrand, shares the incredible virtual programs, courses and tools she has created for her pack. She is generously offering access to Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Nova Counselors and Supernova Mentors like you! Watch or listen to...
Jan 6, 2021 | Adult Leader Training, Cub Scouts, News, Scouts BSA, Tools, Webinars
How to Keep Your Scouts Engaged During covid University of Scouting instructor and Scout leader Dr. Colleen Lewy gives us tips to keep Scouts and parents excited, engaged and Scouting strong! Learn the power of “why we Scout” and the positive impact you...
Dec 9, 2020 | Adult Leader Training, Cub Scouts, News, Scouts BSA, Tools, Webinars, Youth Protection
What does Successful Communication look like in scouting? Dr. David Carsten shows us how Scouting teaches empathy through the Scout Oath, Law and more. Here, he shares the evidence that your words, thoughts and actions not only affect you and everyone around you but...