October 24 – November 1, 2020
Have fun in this 9-day challenge full of hiking & nature objectives! Compete against your friends, patrol mates, and family as you see who can hike the most miles, gain the most feet of vertical elevation, find the most items – and complete the task in our new rank specific Hiking Hunt Challenge. Don’t worry adults – we have a card just for you also!
Prizes will be awarded for the top scores in across four age groups (≤10, 11-18, 19-40, 41+) so grab your essentials bag, check your map, and get ready to get your boots dirty!
Rules, details, how-to-guides, mobile apps and more will sent to you following registration. Extra patches, neckerchiefs and other items may be added during your registration.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do i track my progress and hiking stats?
- Utilize a variety of apps to track your hiking stats. AllTrails, Gaia GPS, Samsung Health or Apple Health would be great tools to track your daily progress.
- Take screenshots of your phone for verification of your statistics.
- Post the photos of your screenshots and Best View submissions to Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #CPCAdventureClub.
What are "Challenge Cards?"
Each rank from a Cub Scout Lion to Eagle Scout, has a Hiking Hunt Challenge card. There is also one for all our adult participants. On this card you will find various items to search for while on your hike. When you find it, there is a task listed for you to complete. See how many you can complete during your hike. Once you complete the one for your rank – challenge yourself to a card from another rank!
What do I get for participating?
Besides some great excercise and fresh air, ALL participants will receive an exclusive Hiking Challange Patch after the event in the mail. Please note production times may vary on this item.
What else do i need to know before registering?
Email with details and final rules will be received by October 23
Video check-ins will be on October 27 and October 29
Prizes will be announced on November 6
Register for All Three Events & Get Exclusive Adventure Club Patches!
Purchase of this package includes:
- 1 participant for the Hiking Challenge
- 1 participant for the 5K
- Family registration for ScoutQuest 2.0
- 1 neckerchief for ScoutQuest (you may purchase additional below).
- 1 Hiking Challenge patch
- 1 Virtual 5K patch
- 1 ScoutQuest patch
- 1 Adventure Club patch
Fee: $40