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Super Weekend

Climb, Shoot, and Play on the Beach at Camp Meriwether

Avoid the crowds and give your Scout program a boost at Meriwether Super Weekend!

Is your Troop looking to shake up its regular weekend campouts? Does a weekend at the Oregon Coast sound fun? Do you have Scouts that need a little boost to finish merit badges or First Class requirements? A Super Weekend at Camp Meriwether might be just the thing you need – it’s a Troop campout with just a few extra camp perks!

Your favorite activities including:

  • Range & Target Activities
  • Climbing Tower
  • Nature
  • Hikes
  • Beach and Tidepools
  • Trail to First Class


Camping Department

Impact for Generations.
Prepared for Life.

This is more than a motto. It is a manifesto. It is our promise to the community and to every parent and child who Scouts with us. By Scouting in the Cascade Pacific Council (CPC) of Scouting America (formerly the Boy Scouts of America), every youth can learn to make an impact on the world around them and be more prepared for career and life.

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